- Prior to this week’s session the group and I had a meeting to finalise the theme we wanted for our final peace that wasn’t to be changed.
- The meeting resulted in our final decision being a piece based on Romance and Love within Lincoln.
- We spoke also about three main starting point for possible sites that we could use.The square in front of the WW2 Memorial
- Buildings before the Ritz
- Before the Arch Ways
- We entered the studio at the beginning of the session to de-brief with Steve what our objectives were for today’s expedition and discussions.
- Once we had done so we set of to our previously discussed locations. The first one being THE ARCH WAYS. Which to our surprise there was already a piece of Live Art taking place by a busker and his guitar.
- He was soon joined by a group of other men that joined him in singing. This created a lovely joyous foundation for a bigger crowd to share the emotion. Yet once the son had stopped one of them group members turned to us and asked the group and me a rather personal and deep rooted question: DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR SPENDING ETERNITY?
- Being a part of this performances audience I felt very uncomfortable and without answers because of how social unacceptable the question was.
- The group and I sparked a conversation about the way these men had built this piece and how unexpected and tense it was. This sense of unknowing had us wanting to use the same technique to create the same interesting, exciting atmosphere. (The washing line technique and other visual aids would be the ploy we will use to entice the passing audience.)
- Once we moved from this site we moved to our next one which was the MEMORIAL SQUARE.
- In this location we all saw it through the same view point, being the visual aids and where they are going to assessable. This location had flowers beds that were surrounded by metal railings about knee height. That were also surrounded by lampposts that would also be easy to attach the washing line and pin-ups to.
- Once we had evaluated this site we moved to our third site which we discussed in week three, SPEAKERS CORNER.
- This building is surrounded by tall bollards that work as support beans for the roof. These would be more than suitable to create a perfectly spacious area for us to create our performance in.
- Having such a solid view as a group on where we wanted to perform our work we were pretty closed off about anywhere else but we decided that we were going to give all decided destinations an opportunity to get us the best outcome performance.
- With this in mind when we got to the last location and we were taken aback by one of the older styled buildings what the history was.
- We went into the building to ask for the history of its existence and it turned out that the building was built to be the original train station in Lincoln. And it was for many years until they moved it to its existing location.
- The floor of the shop still had the imprints of the old train lines which continued into the next shop.
- As well as this incredible factor each building we went in that contained these tracks also harboured information posters that were either based on the previous train station but also about the historical setting for Lincoln in past eras.
- To our advantage one of these posters involved a love story from the mediaeval times between Edward I and Eleanor of Castile. This both relating to Lincoln highly due to it being royalty and prestigious. As well as it also being romance related.
- Whilst we were individually reading different snippets from the posters we met and elderly man named Collin. He passed by and explained that he can remember when it used to look like this.
- Once having a detailed discussion with Collin we asked him about his wife whom was with him. They were kind enough to tell us about how they met and what year.
- This information is key in relation to our piece and the research aspect of things.
. Collin and Kathy – 69 and 66 – 1968 they met – Married in 1970
. James and Alice – 2015 they met whilst both were touring with a theatre company
. Michael and Mark – 2012 – they met – 2014 – they got together – 2016 – cute memory from Herston Park
. Laura and Elliot – both 18 Years old – 1st conversation – 2 hours long – 1st date – Bells Café – clotted cream scones.
. Emma and Jeremy – September, 2014
. Corey and Louise – September, 2015
. Holly and Matteo – 29th April, 2015 – 1st date – Lincoln Pizza Express.
. Laura and Peter – 2011 – they met – 2014 – they got married with three children.
. Amy and Martin – 1st March, 2015 – He would put love hearts in her drinks when she went to his cocktail bar.