Week 3 – Palimpsest and History

Over the course of the week, myself, Holly, Emma and Lucy began discussing ideas for the final performance and found that we all shared an interest in the history of both the buildings of Lincoln and people’s personal histories. The four of us also love the idea of one place meaning different things to different people and the idea that participants/observers of our work would view our site differently after experiencing it.  We have therefore decided to work together for the final project because we feel as though mutual interests are an important element for site specific performance to be successful.

Once the seminar was underway we looked into the introduction of Mike Pearson’s Site Specific Performance and all of the practitioners/theorists that are relevant including Michael Fried, Dee Headon and Cathy Turner. Out of these three practitioners Cathy Turner was the one that caught my interest, particularly the idea of Palimpsest (the layering of information to change people’s perspective). When we broke off into groups to discuss the performance further, the four of us quickly collaborated to create an idea that relates to most of the things discussed in previous posts including layering (palimpsest), emotional memory, collages, actively appealing to more than one sense and engaging with ‘history’.

I will be posting a blog entry shortly proposing an initial idea for the final Site performance.

Week 2 – Exploring Psycho Geography

Monday 1st February

After spending the week contemplating the idea of architecture and its history, the idea has developed to incorporate a specific site and the personal history people share with it. I am intrigued with the idea of how a particular place can mean different things to different people dependent on their personal history with that place.

The theory of situationism/psycho geography fits in with this idea quite well in that a person’s behaviour is dependent on their surroundings rather than personal behaviour traits. Psycho geography involves the idea that a person’s emotional state including their blood pressure and heart rate can be altered depending on their surrounding environment. Christian Nold is an example of a practitioner who used this idea, with his work involving measuring his heart rate whilst walking round an urban area.

This idea of peeling back layers, whether architectural or emotional, is something which I am definitely interested in exploring in the final Site Specific performance. The medium of a collage consisting of pictures, objects, audio etc. could map out people’s personal history of a place and making the spectator view said space in a way in which they haven’t before.

Joe Turner

Session 1 – Walk Through Lincoln Town

Monday 25th January

During my first session with the tutor, questions were raised about what site specific performance could entail. It was at this point that Steve showed us some of his past work from his undergraduate days as well as more recent projects. One of his pieces that I found particularly intriguing was his degree project which focused on an abandoned building which had previously housed bells. The piece focused on restoring the nostalgia of the bells to the town decades after they had been moved elsewhere. This then got me thinking about using Lincoln and its history to create a piece that plays homage to the history but in a contemporary setting. When exploring our site (Lincoln high street) something that was of particular interest was the ornate architecture of the buildings which are now corporate shops such as Fat face and Jack Wills. Delving into the history of what these buildings were before they were high street shops is something that I intend to explore further with my group later on in the devising process.

Joe Turner