Introducion to Site Specific Performance

The first week of Site Specific performance was a focus on ensuring all students had the background knowledge to begin forming groups and ideas for their performance. This included going through the module handbook to explain the format of this semester as well as how we will be examined. The next part of the session was aimed at explaining what Site Specific Performance is. A good summary of what was explained to us comes from Mike Pearson’s book Site Specific Performance, an essential text for this module:

“[Site specific performace] refers to a staging and performance conceived on the basis of a place in the real world…A large part of the work has to do with researching a place.” (Pearson, M. (2010) Site-Specific Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.)

We were then introduced to a variety of Site Specific works, including some of Steven’s own work. These works sparked a variety of debates. Particular ones of note were caused by Sophie Calle’s work in which to re-establish a connection with France after being away she followed a person around without their knowledge, to the point of buying a plane ticket and following them out of the country. This raised the question, when does observation cross the line into stalking? We decided it depends on factors such as anonymity, proximity and that there is a difference between online and real life, with online observation being deemed more acceptable. After further research into Sophie Calle’s work I discovered her observation goes far into the region of invading people’s privacy. In her work, The Hotel, Room 47 she “was hired as a temporary chambermaid for three weeks in a Venetian hotel. [She] was assigned twelve bedrooms on the fourth floor. In the course of [her] cleaning duties, [she] examined the personal belongings of the hotel guests and observed through details lives which remained unknown to me”. (Calle, S. (1981) The Hotel, Room 47 [2 works on paper, photographs and ink] Paris: Tate Modern.) Her observing included reading letters and diaries of the guests, listening through the hotel doors at their conversations, even spraying herself with their perfumes and eating their left over food. The result of this debate and further research has resulted in my desire to avoid any possible violation of people’s privacy, so any information I obtain from audience members (if this is the direction in which my performance goes) will be completely with their consent.

After our introduction to Site-Specific Performance we went into the city of Lincoln, our site for this module and observed the city. We decided upon our boundaries, from the top of the high street near Kind bar, down to the Ritz bar and then began to look around us for inspiration and things that interested us. Attached is a photograph of a building, this painted wall is something myself and others have never noticed on our day to day commute through the city. This inspired me to consider showing parts of the city to my audience that are normally unseen by them. Whether this is literal like the photo attached, or more factual by telling the audience things about the city, past and present that they did not know is undecided.



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