Monday 14th March
Today we were able to go and view other group’s work in progress. Getting a fresh pair of eyes on the piece meant that issues were raised that we hadn’t previously seen. It also meant that we could confidently explain and justify our piece using practitioners and methodologies.
After discussing with the group we know have a greater understanding of how Mark Auge’s concept of place and non place influences our piece. Whilst the high street as a whole has lots of history people don’t engage with it and as Sue Palmer says ‘it’s the people that normally inhabit that place’ having a relational connection with each other and the place which creates significance. When we were talking to Steve and the group our site was full of people sitting on the benches and socialising. This created a potential problem but we were able to show Steve how we would move around the space to accommodate people. In fact having people in the space creates a more naturalistic looking piece which helps us in the effect we are attempting to create.
Over the next three weeks we are going to finish creating the script, recording the voices and creating the sound file which gives us a four week rehearsal period to perfect the actual performance. Something we are now going to experiment with is having headphones in instead of/as well as the speakers to aid us in keeping in time with the track and each other.
Joe Turner
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