Week Four – (15/2/16)
Before meeting with our performance groups, we were shown some videos from different theorists. One video we saw was called Salon Adrienne by Adrian Howells. An artist Dee Heddon often writes about referring to scriptotherapy works. It featured Adrian himself in an actual salon, washing and blow drying members of the public’s hair and giving them an Indian head massage. Whilst he was doing this, he was talking very openly with the person participating, confessing certain things in his life and inviting them to confess something to him too. He was using these techniques of relaxation and intimacy to have a deep conversation with him. We talked about how it is cathartic to talk about our problems and have a rant and Adrian was using it as a performance.
After we watched some videos, we got into our performance groups. Firstly, we filled in Hannah and Franki on our ideas and they were really into it. They also helped build on a few ideas we had discussed from the previous week. As our ‘end product’ we thought that we could get random members of the public into our ‘home’ we would set up in one of the archways and take a photo of them (with their consent). We would then make all the photos into a collage representing home, bringing strangers on the high street together all linked by the idea of the city of Lincoln as their home.
We were told to go out and explore the spaces on the high street we were interesting in performing in. Therefore, we went straight to the archway to look at our space now we had some ideas on how to use it.