Site Specific Week 2: Exploring The City

In today’s session we discussed different ideas for the performance, relating to research we’d undertaken of Lincoln . Some people mentioned the history of Lincoln city, dating back to the Roman ages.  Some drew an interest too ghost story’s, and others researched murder cases in Lincoln city. We discussed how this research could be transformed into a performance. One particular idea I remember is a tour of Lincoln, taking people on a journey across the city discussing the history and interesting facts of what had gone on in certain areas of the city.

Next we we’re placed into separate groups of three, given the task to write clear instructions for another group to follow and explore the city. These instructions we based on Carl Livery’s 25 instructions, aiming to make the reader get out and explore. Once we we’re given our tasks, we headed out into the city. The first instruction was to walk all the way to the top of the high street, then place our hand on the left side of the street, following the wall for 10 minutes. Once we stopped, we had to draw the first thing in front of us. This happened to be a large pile of junk, consisting of a broken table, metal poles, rotten wood, metal containers and a large empty tin of vegetable oil. The final task was to walk back to the University completely avoiding the high street. We found this literally impossible, as we had to pass through the high street at some point to access a different route.

Once we arrived back at University, everybody discussed there experiences out in the City. Luckily, we came up with the idea to create a snap chat of our adventure, recording it on our phones. Everyone added us as a friend on Snapchat, watching our experience out in the city.

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